- Pendidikan Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia
- Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
- Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman
- Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis
- Pendidikan Seni Rupa
- Pendidikan Musik
- Pendidikan Tari
- Sastra Indonesia
- Sastra Inggris
- Seni Pertunjukan
400 | Language |
401 | Philosophy and theory |
402 | Miscellany |
403 | Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances |
404 | Special topics of language |
407 | Education, research, related topics |
408 | Groups of people |
409 | Geographic treatment and biography |
410 | Linguistic |
411 | Writing Systems of standard forms of language |
412 | Etymology of standard forms of language |
413 | Dictionaries of standard forms of language |
414 | Phonology and phonetics of standard forms of languages |
415 | Grammar of standard forms of languages |
417 | Dialectology and historical linguistics |
418 | Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics) |
419 | Sign languages |
499.221 | Indonesian |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- Bahas (Sinta 5)
- Basastra (Sinta 5)
- Kode: Jurnal Bahasa (Sinta 5)
- Genre
- Kultura
- Asas: Jurnal Sastra
- Journal of Linguistica
- Jurnal Sasindo
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- Journal Bilingualism
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal Language and Cognition
- Language Teaching
- Language in Society
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
- Nordic Journal Of Linguistic
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Litera (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal Basindo Universitas Negeri Malang (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Dialektika UIN Jakarta (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal IJELTAL IAIN Samarinda (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal ILEAL IAIN Syekh Nurjati (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal Lingua UIN Malang (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal Literasi Universitas Pasundan (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra UNDIKSHA
- Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra UPI
- Indonesia Journal of Applied Linguistics
- Jurnal Poetika UGM (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal SELOKA (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal KATA
- Jurnal Arbitrer
- Jurnal Bahasa
- Jurnal BAHASTRA (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal FON (Sinta 5)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature
- Kritika Kultura
- Brno Studies in English
- Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching
- Gema Online Journal of Language Studies
- Journal of Writing Research
- Laboratory Phonology Journal
- Scientific Research Publishing
- Sign Systems Studies
- SKY Journal of Linguistics
- Indonesia EFL Journal
- Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics
- Journal of Modern Linguistics
400 | Language |
401 | Philosophy and theory |
402 | Miscellany |
403 | Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances |
404 | Special topics of language |
405 | Serial publications |
406 | Organizations and management |
407 | Education, research, related topics |
408 | Groups of people |
409 | Geographic treatment and biography |
420 | English and Old English |
421 | Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard english |
422 | Etymology of standard english |
423 | Dictionaries of standard english |
425 | Grammar of standard english |
427 | Historical and geographic, modern nongeographic of english |
428 | Standard english usage |
429 | Old English |
820.8 | English Literature |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- Bahas (Sinta 5)
- Kultura (Sinta 6)
- Linguistica
- Linguistik Terapan (Sinta 5)
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- English Language and Linguistic
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
- Applied Psycholinguistics
- Bilingualism : Language and Cognition
- English Language & Linguistics
- English Today
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal of Linguistics
- Journal of The International Phonetic Association
- Language and Cognition
- Language in Society
- Language Teaching
- Language Variation and Change
- Nordic Journal of Linguistics
- Phonology
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Jurnal Prosodi (Sinta 5)
- Jurnal Sanata Dharma (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal Language Circle (Sinta 3)
- Vivid : Journal of Language and Literature (Sinta 4)
- Humanitatis: Journal of Language and Literature (Sinta 5)
- Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature (Sinta 5)
- International Journal of Language and Literature (Sinta 5)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
430 | German and related languages |
431 | Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard german |
432 | Etymology of standard german |
433 | Dictionaries of standard german |
435 | Grammar of standard german |
437 | Historical and geographic, modern nongeographic of german |
438 | Standard german usage (Prescriptive linguistics) |
439 | Other Germanic languages |
407 | Language Education |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- Journal of Germanic Linguistics
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
- Applied Psycholinguistics
- Bilingualism : Language and Cognition
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal of Linguistics
- Journal of The International Phonetic Association
- Language and Cognition
- Language in Society
- Language Teaching
- Language Variation and Change
- Nordic Journal of Linguistics
- Phonology
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Jurnal UNESA
- Studia
- Journal DaFIna (Sinta 6)
- Eralingua (Sinta 2)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
440 | French and related Romance languages |
441 | Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard french |
442 | Etymology of standard french |
443 | Dictionaries of standard french |
445 | Grammar of standard french |
447 | Historical and geographic, modern nongeographic of french |
448 | Standard french usage (Prescriptive linguistics) |
449 | Occitan, catalan, franco-provencal |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- Journal of French Language Studies
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
- Applied Psycholinguistics
- Bilingualism : Language and Cognition
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal of Linguistics
- Journal of The International Phonetic Association
- Language and Cognition
- Language in Society
- Language Teaching
- Language Variation and Change
- Nordic Journal of Linguistics
- Phonology
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Didacticofrancia (Sinta 5)
- Jurnal Lingtera UNY (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra UPI (Sinta 3)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
700 | Standard subdivisions of the arts |
701 | Philosophy and theory of fine and decorative arts |
702 | Miscellany of fine and decorative arts |
703 | Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of arts |
704 | Special topics in fine and decorative arts |
705 | Serial publications of fine and decorative arts |
706 | Organizations and management of fine and decorative arts |
707 | Education, research, related topics of fine and decorative arts |
708 | Galleries, museums, private collections of arts |
709 | History, geographic treatment, biography |
730 | Sculpture and related arts |
740 | Graphic arts and decorative arts |
750 | Painting and paintings |
760 | Printmaking and prints |
770 | Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography |
509.959 8 | Art |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Seni Rupa di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Journal of Visual Art & Design (Sinta 2)
- International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal Kajian Seni (Sinta 4)
- Brikolase (Sinta 4)
- Journal of ISLLAC (Sinta 4)
- Journal CaLLs (Sinta 4)
- JADECS (Sinta 5)
- Journal Specta (Sinta 5)
- Jurnal ARTY (Sinta 5)
- Eduarts (Sinta 5)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
700 | Standard subdivisions of the arts |
701 | Philosophy and theory of fine and decorative arts |
702 | Miscellany of fine and decorative arts |
703 | Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of arts |
704 | Special topics in fine and decorative arts |
705 | Serial publications of fine and decorative arts |
706 | Organizations and management of fine and decorative arts |
707 | Education, research, related topics of fine and decorative arts |
708 | Galleries, museums, private collections of arts |
709 | History, geographic treatment, biography |
780 | Music |
781 | General principles and musical forms |
782 | Vocal music |
783 | Music for single voices |
784 | Instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music |
785 | Ensembles with only one instruments per part |
786 | Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments |
787 | Stringed instruments (Chordophones) |
788 | Wind Instruments (Aerophones) |
791.068 598 2 | Folk Music |
297.309 598 1 | Music |
370.152 3 | Educational Psychology |
499.221 | Education |
808.87 | Literature Anecdots; humor |
930.1 | Character |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Musik di Perpustakaan Pusat, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- Bahas (Sinta 5)
- Grenek Music Journal (Sinta 5)
- GONDANG (Sinta 3)
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- Art Libraries Journal
- Eighteenth-Century Music
- Journal of The Royal Musical Association
- Journal of The Society for American Music
- New Theatre Quarterly
- Nineteenth-Century Music Review
- Organised Sound
- Plainsong & Medieval Music
- Popular Music
- Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle
- Tempo
- Theatre Research International
- Theatre Survey
- Twentieth-Century Music
- Victorian Literature and Culture
- Yearbook for Traditional Music
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies (Sinta 3)
- Journal of Visual Art & Design (Sinta 2)
- International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies (Sinta 3)
- Journal of ISLLAC (Sinta 4)
- Journal CaLLs (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Kajian Seni (Sinta 4)
- JADECS (Sinta 5)
- Journal Specta (Sinta 5)
- Jurnal ARTY (Sinta 5)
- Eduarts (Sinta 5)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
700 | Standard subdivisions of the arts |
701 | Philosophy and theory of fine and decorative arts |
702 | Miscellany of fine and decorative arts |
703 | Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of decorative arts |
704 | Special topics in fine and decorative arts |
705 | Serial publications of fine and decorative arts |
706 | Organizations and management of fine and decorative arts |
707 | Education, research, related topics of fine and decorative arts |
708 | Galleries, museums, private collections of decorative arts |
709 | History, geographic treatment, biography |
792 | Stage Presentations |
793.3 | Music |
809.933 5 | Literature Music |
899.221 | Literature Music |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Tari di Perpustakaan Pusat, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- Art Libraries Journal
- Eighteenth-Century Music
- Journal of The Royal Musical Association
- Journal of The Society for American Music
- New Theatre Quarterly
- Nineteenth-Century Music Review
- Organised Sound
- Plainsong & Medieval Music
- Popular Music
- Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle
- Tempo
- Theatre Research International
- Theatre Survey
- Twentieth-Century Music
- Victorian Literature and Culture
- Yearbook for Traditional Music
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies (Sinta 3)
- Journal of ISLLAC (Sinta 4)
- Journal CaLLs (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Kajian Seni (Sinta 4)
- JADECS (Sinta 5)
- Journal Specta (Sinta 5)
- Jurnal ARTY (Sinta 5)
- Eduarts (Sinta 5)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
305 | Social Linguistic |
306 | Culture |
398 | Folklore |
398.021 | English Proverbs |
410 | Linguistik Umum |
415 | Grammar |
499 | Language |
808 | Poetry |
899.221 | Malay Literature |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Sastra Indonesia di Perpustakaan Pusat, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- Bahas (Sinta 5)
- Basastra (Sinta 5)
- Kode: Jurnal Bahasa (Sinta 5)
- Genre
- Kultura
- Asas: Jurnal Sastra
- Journal of Linguistica
- Jurnal Sasindo
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- Journal Bilingualism
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal Language and Cognition
- Language Teaching
- Language in Society
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
- Nordic Journal Of Linguistic
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Litera (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal Basindo Universitas Negeri Malang (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Dialektika UIN Jakarta (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal IJELTAL IAIN Samarinda (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal ILEAL IAIN Syekh Nurjati (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal Lingua UIN Malang (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal Literasi Universitas Pasundan (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra UNDIKSHA
- Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra UPI
- Indonesia Journal of Applied Linguistics
- Jurnal Poetika UGM (Sinta 2)
- Jurnal SELOKA (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal KATA
- Jurnal Arbitrer
- Jurnal Bahasa
- Jurnal BAHASTRA (Sinta 3)
- Jurnal FON (Sinta 5)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature
- Kritika Kultura
- Brno Studies in English
- Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching
- Gema Online Journal of Language Studies
- Journal of Writing Research
- Laboratory Phonology Journal
- Scientific Research Publishing
- Sign Systems Studies
- SKY Journal of Linguistics
- Indonesia EFL Journal
- Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics
- Journal of Modern Linguistics
420 | English & Old English |
421 | English Writing System & Phonology |
422 | English Etymology |
423 | English Dictionary |
425 | English Grammar |
427 | English Language Variations |
428 | Standard English Usage |
429 | Old English |
820 | English & Old English Literature |
820.8 | Literature |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Sastra Inggris di Perpustakaan Pusat, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elekronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- Bahas (Sinta 5)
- Kultura
- Linguistica
- Linguistik Terapan
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- English Language and Linguistic
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
- Applied Psycholinguistics
- Bilingualism : Language and Cognition
- English Language & Linguistics
- English Today
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal of Linguistics
- Journal of The International Phonetic Association
- Language and Cognition
- Language in Society
- Language Teaching
- Language Variation and Change
- Nordic Journal of Linguistics
- Phonology
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Gema Online
- Jurnal UNY
- Jurnal Universitas Bojonegoro
- Jurnal Brawijaya
- Jurnal Prosodi
- Jurnal Sanata Dharma
- Unpad
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
700 | Standard subdivisions of the arts |
701 | Philosophy and theory of fine and decorative arts |
702 | Miscellany of fine and decorative arts |
703 | Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of arts |
704 | Special topics in fine and decorative arts |
705 | Serial publications of fine and decorative arts |
706 | Organizations and management of fine and decorative arts |
707 | Education, research, related topics of fine and decorative arts |
708 | Galleries, museums, private collections of decorative arts |
709 | History, geographic treatment, biography |
791 | Public performances |
792 | Stage Presentations |
390.598 | Arts |
- Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Seni Pertunjukan di Perpustakaan Pusat, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
- Bahas (Sinta 5)
- Grenek Music Journal (Sinta 5)
- GESTURE (Sinta 5)
- GONDANG (Sinta 3)
2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan
- Art Libraries Journal
- Eighteenth-Century Music
- Journal of The Royal Musical Association
- Journal of The Society for American Music
- New Theatre Quarterly
- Nineteenth-Century Music Review
- Organised Sound
- Plainsong & Medieval Music
- Popular Music
- Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle
- Tempo
- Theatre Research International
- Theatre Survey
- Twentieth-Century Music
- Victorian Literature and Culture
- Yearbook for Traditional Music
3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional
- Jurnal RESITAL (Sinta 2)
- International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies (Sinta 3)
- Journal of ISLLAC (Sinta 4)
- Journal CaLLs (Sinta 4)
- Jurnal Kajian Seni (Sinta 4)
- JADECS (Sinta 5)
- Journal Specta (Sinta 5)
- Jurnal ARTY (Sinta 5)
- Eduarts (Sinta 5)
4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional