Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan

030 Encyclopedia of education
155.423 Child Psychology
300 Social sciences
300.7 Social sciences _study & teaching
303.34 Leadership
323 Citizenship
370 Educations
371 Schools and their activities, special education
372 Secondary educations
375 Curriculla
379 Education Policy
425 Grammar of English standard
499.221 Indonesian languages
500 Sciences
510.071 Mathematics _study & teaching
510.2 Mathematics
613.02 Personal Health & Safety
641.815 Food at school
730.712 Sculpture and related art_study and teaching
740 Aplied Art
781.02 General principles & musical forms
796.07 Athletic and outdoor sports and game
923.7 Biography educator
  • Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
Buku Elektronik
Jurnal Elektronik
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED

2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan

B. EMERALD C. Jurnal Cakrawala

D. International Journal of Learning and Development (IJELD)

E. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 

3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional

4. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
030 Encyclopedia of education
155.423 Child Psychology
300.7 Social sciences _study & teaching
303.34 Leadership
323 Citizenship
370 Educations
371 Schools and their activities, special education
372.2 Spesific Level of Primary educations
375 Curriculla
379 Education Policy
425 Grammar of English standard
499.221 Indonesian languages
  • Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
Buku Elektronik
Jurnal Elektronik
1. Jurnal Elektronik UNIMED

2. Jurnal Elektronik Berlangganan

3. Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Nasional

4.Jurnal Elektronik Open Akses Internasional
030 Encyclopedia of education
130 Parapsychology and occultism
131 Parapsychology and occult methods for achieving well-being, hapiness, success
133 Spesific topics in parapsychology and occultism
135 Dream and mysteries
150 Psychology
152 Perception, Movement, Emotions, Psychology Drives
153 Conscious Mental Processe and Intelligence
154 Processe
155 Diffrential and Developmental Psychology
156 Comparative Psychology
157 Mentality
158 Applied Psychology
160 Philosophical logic
200.19 Psychology of religion
301.185 Organizational behavior
331.702 Labor vacational
361.06 Counseling in Middle School Education
361.323 Community Psychology
362.82 Marriage Counseling
370.15 Educational Psychology
371.26 School Administration
371.4 Educational Counseling
374 Guidance and Counseling
378.19 Guidance and Counseling ; higher education
616.8 Abnormal Psychology
781.1 Psychology Music
  • Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Bimbingan dan Konseling di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI
030 Encyclopedia of education
155 Developmental Psychology
297.77 Islamic Religious Education
300 Social sciences
300.7 Social sciences _study & teaching
303.34 Leadership
304.607 Social behavior
323 Citizenship
370 Educations
371 Schools and their activities, special education
372.2 Spesific Level of Primary educations
374 Adult Education
375 Curriculla
379 Education Policy
425 Grammar of English standard
499.221 Indonesian languages
  • Untuk mengetahui buku bidang Pendidikan Masyarakat di Perpustakaan, penelusuran dapat dilakukan melalui Katalog Perpustakaan di Website http://library.unimed.ac.id & daftar koleksi buku dapat di download DISINI